Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Third Day-Morning

Everyone is still as excited as when we started and eager to meet more people and learn more Swahili. For some odd reason we have all adjusted to the time zone rather quick which is a good thing. I feel like I'm not so far away from home, possibly because of the warm hospitality the people have here. Today we will leave Arusha to the Banjika School and while I'm afraid of meeting the students and mistakenly disrespecting the culture, I am eager to learn and teach. Wish us good luck!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear that all is going well. Don't worry -- you will do GREAT when you meet the students, and they will love you! Remember that a smile goes a long way when you don't speak great Swahili! Think of yourselves as "ambassadors" of High School students everywhere!! (from Kim Erlich)

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